The use of food sources of natural origin, application of organic production processes to bring quality, fresh, healthy products with positive impacts on health is the current consumption trend. Organic certifications or organic labels printed on the packaging are a way to identify and ensure that a product fully meets the required organic standards.
So what is the organic standard, how can the product be certified according to the organic standard and what are the benefits?
What is the organic standard?
Organic certification is a certificate issued to a product to confirm that the product is organic, depending on how many % of the ingredients are organic according to each regulation, there will be a corresponding certificate.
This is a certification to verify the safety and cleanliness of food. Each organic certification has its own strict requirements from variety, water, buffer zone, biodiversity, materials or organic inputs.
In organic farming organic producers, farmers must follow the production standards it does in organic farming. It is important that all standards state what is and is not to be done in organic farming, such as those relating to the use of chemicals, growth hormones, modified organisms, etc. gene change.
Principles of organic certification
Health principles
Organic agriculture should maintain and enhance the health of the soil, plants, animals, people and the earth as a unified, whole and indivisible entity.
Ecological principles
Organic agriculture needs to be based on living ecosystems and natural cycles, operating in accordance with them, following their rules and helping to preserve their integrity and harmony.
Principle of fairness
Organic agriculture needs to build on relationships that ensure fairness for the common environment and ensure life chances for all living things.
The principle of caution
Organic agriculture needs to be managed prudently and responsibly to protect the health and well-being of present, future generations and the environment.
Benefits of being certified organic
1.Complying with the organic farming method recognized by the International and the Ministry of Science and Technology
Many farms/enterprises are currently cultivating, breeding, and processing organically. However, most are based on personal experience and knowledge. Customers who comply with organic standards and apply organic production methods of TCVN 11041:2017 will have an international standard recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology to apply to organic food production. muscle.
2. Increase the nutritional value of the product
Due to limited exposure to heavy metals in synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, organic produce is rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. In addition, the sugar and mineral structures in organic products are significant compared to conventionally produced foods. This makes vegetables and fruits more nutritious, healthier and of a higher quality.
3.Create a competitive advantage in the organic food market
Organic products, if labeled Organic, are proof that their products are certified organic. Because it’s organic, unlike conventional industrially grown produce because it’s less processed, the properties of the product remain pure. This creates a competitive advantage as well as the trust of consumers and partners.
4.Creating opportunities to export organic food
Certified organic foods will have many opportunities to penetrate large international markets, including “fastidious” markets, with high requirements for safe and clean food. Implementation and certification also contribute to the local economy, where organic agricultural products are often preferred for exchange there.
5. Sustainable Development
In addition, applying and being certified organic is also a commitment of the manufacturer to protect the environment, save raw materials and fuel, minimize waste, protect soil, water, microorganisms and Ecosystem. Customers can use healthy, healthy food sources, thereby developing in harmony and sustainability with nature. Contributing to overcoming climate change on a global scale.